On September 17th of 2011, a leaderless group of protesters descended on the financial district of New York City, NY. The group had planned on protesting in front of the Wall Street building, but were cut off by police. The main under current is the push for a return of quality jobs to average Americans. Through the early days of the protest, the groups' numbers grew slowly, but within a few weeks their goal of 20 thousand protesters was reached. The American protesters call their organization Occupy Wall Street .
The Occupy Wall Street website states that the movement was inspired by the recent revolutionary Arab Spring. During the Arab Spring, protesters rose up to overthrow their government. They connected through social networks and other internet avenues. The Occupy Wall Street movement does not want to overthrow the American government. Instead, it wants retribution for the wrongs they believe are being done by investment bankers, and the return of the American dream. The protesters want the government to make an investment in their future. The unemployment rate is climbing and common Americans are looking for social investments that include job skills training in order to stay competitive.
- I decided to take action and use that inspiration to create a video.