Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Knowledge Base Economy

Are the Civilizations of North America Moving Towards a Knowledge Base Economy?

Are the Civilizations of North America Moving Towards a Knowledge Base Economy?

By Lance Winslow

Many economists, capitalists and government agency experts are watching manufacturing industries dwindle as they are unable to compete in world markets. It is therefore theorized by academics, policy makers and many economists that we must reposition ourselves and prepare for a knowledge based economy.
The Online Think Tank is also quite concerned. Personally, I tend to agree that as an economy that we do not produce a whole lot except hamburgers. Having extensively traveled to every city in the US and Canada and observed the Manufacturing sector go from 50-35-17-11 percent in many areas, that bridge is burned and all the supply chain as well, (mines shut down and raw materials) thus, game over.
Whether through over regulations, what Adam Smith warned us about, organized labor, attack environmentalism or just plain stupidity of how things really work in vibrant economies, indeed here we are. And it does not matter now, who you are or how you got here, because there you are! Knowledge Society may not far off?

I realize people do not wish to hear this, in fact I recall many years back that when Al Gore said that students should not expect to work in farming when they grow up. He told them this when he visited an ID and Montana schools during his VP term and said you kids need to study technology, because there may not be jobs for you.
People were very upset and it made national news, but in reality the days of the Family Farm are still shrinking and with robotics and other technologies we will need less folks. In a knowledge economy, there will severe competition and fewer jobs too. Also other economies like India and China are moving the same direction. Someone recently said, we will create it, they will build it, yet they kind of fancy doing both and have the school discipline to do just that.

In fact they are learning from us in our Universities their entrepreneurial skills and they have fewer barriers to entry (rules and regulations) and willing to exploit to a much larger degree borrowing from the environmental health and wealth of their nations. Eventually, the economies of China and India will come up with an enormous middle class and they will turn into the buyers of everything.
Here is a very serious comment; Can The World Handle That Many Consumers?
Dear Citizens of North America, we need to plan for the future and we need to move towards a Knowledge Based Economy for a large segment of our population. We cannot wait on this.
I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple, to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

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